Landscape Calendar: Here's What You Should Be Doing This Month

Welcome to River City Lawnscape's Comprehensive Landscape Calendar! Whether you're a residential or commercial property owner, staying on top of your landscape maintenance throughout the year is essential. This monthly guide will provide you with tips and action items to consider completing to keep your outdoor space looking beautiful and healthy. Our team of experts at River City Lawnscape Inc. is committed to supporting all aspects of this calendar, providing personalized assistance in creating and maintaining stunning landscapes tailored to your needs.


River City Lawnscape can help you prepare for the upcoming landscaping season. Our experts can guide you in planning and making changes to your landscape and researching new plants and styles to enhance your property. In January, we suggest the following actions:

  • Plan and sketch out landscape changes for the year with our design expertise.

  • Research new plants and styles with our help.

  • Develop a snow removal and ice management plan.


In February, River City Lawnscape recommends continuing to research landscape improvements and connecting with our team to schedule consultations to discuss your vision for the year ahead. Our experts can provide valuable insights and advice to bring your landscape dreams to life. Additionally, it's important to keep an eye on your plants for any signs of disease or damage from winter weather, and our team is always here to help. Here are our suggested action items for February:

  • Monitor plants for signs of winter damage or disease, and seek guidance from our experts when needed.

  • Start thinking about scheduling additional services for the upcoming green season.


As the temperatures begin to rise, it's time to start prepping your yard for spring with the help of River City Lawnscape. Our team can assist you in cleaning up any winter debris, such as fallen branches and leaves, ensuring your outdoor space is ready for the warmer months. March is also a great time to prune deciduous trees.

March Action Items:

  • Clean up winter debris from your yard with River City Lawnscape's efficient services

  • Tree pruning


Spring is in full swing, and with the help of River City Lawnscape, it's time to plant shrubs, trees, and perennials that will add color and life to your landscape. Our team of experts can advise you on the best plant choices for your property and help you create a stunning outdoor space. Be sure to monitor your property for pests, such as grubs and insects, and rely on our team's expertise to treat them accordingly. We can also help you apply pre-emergent herbicides to control weeds and fertilize your lawn to promote healthy growth. This is the time to start and stay ahead of weeds in your landscape beds. Applying pre-emergent, pulling, and spraying for weeds to keep the landscape beds looking their best right from the start. Our team can help you apply mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.

April Action Items:

  • Plant annuals, perennials, and bulbs for added color with River City Lawnscape's guidance

  • Check for pests and treat as necessary, utilizing our team's pest control expertise

  • Fertilize your lawn using our professional lawn care expertise

  • Apply Pre-Emergent herbicides with the guidance of our knowledgeable team

  • Start to maintain landscape beds from the start to minimize the growth and spreading of weeds by applying pre-emergent, pulling, and spraying.

  • Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds with River City Lawnscape's assistance

  • Schedule a spring lawn aeration and overseeding services with our team


In May, with the support of River City Lawnscape, focus on maintaining the beauty of your landscape. Our team can help you apply mulch around your plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. We can also assist you in trimming hedges, shrubs, and trees to keep them looking neat and healthy. Begin regular lawn mowing and watering with our professional lawn care services. Trust our experts to make sure your irrigation system is functioning properly, ensuring your plants receive adequate water throughout the growing season. Our skilled and experienced team can design and plant your flower pots and annual flower beds for the summer with all the colors you can imagine. May is also the time to think about your trees. Do they need fertilizer or is there a pest it needs protection from? River City Lawnscape has a Tree and Shrub Program that can protect your trees.

May Action Items:

  • Apply mulch around plants to retain moisture and suppress weeds with River City Lawnscape's assistance

  • Trim hedges, shrubs, and trees using our professional pruning services.

  • Begin regular mowing and watering of your lawn.

  • Inspect and adjust irrigation systems for proper function with the help of our irrigation specialists

  • Prune deciduous trees and shrubs with the help of our skilled team.

  • Annual flower design and plantings for pots and beds

  • Tree and Shrub injections


Summer is here, and so is the heat. With River City Lawnscape by your side, we’ll adjust your irrigation system to account for increased evaporation and water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to minimize water loss. River City Lawnscape is here to make your summer landscape maintenance hassle-free. Our team of experts is ready to handle all your landscaping needs, providing professional services to ensure your outdoor space thrives even in the heat. Summer is also that time of year for sitting outside after dark. Have one of our professionals design an outdoor lighting system for your outdoor space to enjoy all summer long. It will add an extra “outdoor” room to your home.

June Action Items:

  • Trust River City Lawnscape's experts to adjust your irrigation systems for summer heat, optimizing water usage and keeping your plants healthy

  • Let our team take care of watering your plants early in the morning or late evening, minimizing water loss and maximizing efficiency

  • Rely on our professional lawn care services to monitor your lawn for signs of drought stress and provide the necessary treatments to keep your lawn lush and green

  • Low voltage lighting


During the hottest part of the year, River City Lawnscape is here to ensure your landscape stays well-watered and maintained. Our team of experts is ready to handle your landscaping needs, providing professional services to keep your outdoor space healthy and beautiful. Pruning after the initial summer bloom of most shrubs is very important. July and into August seem to be that time frame. It is very important to prune a shrub at the right time so that you do not disrupt its bloom cycle. Our knowledgeable and professional staff have the know-how and the when.

July Action Items:

  • Rely on River City Lawnscape to maintain a watering and mowing schedule during the hottest months, ensuring your plants and lawn receive proper care

  • Trust our team to check your plants for signs of heat stress or disease and take appropriate measures to protect their health

  • Allow our professional lawn care services to keep your grass slightly longer, helping it retain moisture and stay lush throughout the summer

  • Pruning


As summer starts to wind down, River City Lawnscape is here to help you plan for the fall. Our team of experts is ready to handle your landscaping needs, providing professional services to keep your outdoor space looking great as the seasons change.

August Action Items:

  • Work with River City Lawnscape to plan and order fall-blooming plants for your landscape, ensuring a seamless transition to autumn beauty

  • Schedule lawn aeration and overseeding services with our team, helping your lawn stay healthy and lush into the cooler months

  • Trust our experts to continue regular watering, mowing, and maintenance throughout August, keeping your landscape in top shape

  • Pruning


As the temperatures cool, River City Lawnscape is here to help you plant any fall-blooming perennials and prepare your landscape for winter. Our team of experts is ready to handle your landscaping needs, providing professional services to keep your outdoor space looking great throughout the changing seasons. Fall is the perfect time to plant trees. At River City, we can offer all sizes of trees from smaller potted trees from our Garden Center to a large instant shade tree that will be spade in with a machine. Call our sales team now to choose the perfect variety for your space. Do you want to enjoy your summer pots all season, change the summer flowers out for fall mums?

September Action Items:

  • Trust River City Lawnscape to plant fall-blooming perennials, enhancing your landscape's autumn appeal

  • Rely on our team to aerate and overseed your lawn, ensuring a healthy, lush appearance come spring

  • Allow our experts to guide you in reducing your watering schedule and provide professional pruning services for any dead or damaged branches from your trees and shrubs

  • Tree Planting

  • Fall mums


Fall is in full swing, and River City Lawnscape is here to help you tackle essential landscape maintenance tasks. Our team of experts is ready to handle your landscaping needs, providing professional services to ensure your outdoor space stays healthy and beautiful as the seasons change. It is now time to start thinking about putting your landscape to bed for the winter. Our landscape maintenance service does a great job with that. They will cut off all your perennials and grasses, blow out all the beds, and haul away the debris so that all the beds are ready for winter.

October Action Items:

  • Trust River City Lawnscape to rake and remove leaves from your lawn and garden beds, preventing mold and disease

  • Rely on our team to winterize your irrigation system by draining and shutting it off for the season, safeguarding your investment

  • Work with our experts to plant spring-blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils before the ground freezes, setting the stage for a stunning spring display

  • Fall Bed Clean Ups


As winter approaches, River City Lawnscape is here to help you prepare your landscape for colder temperatures. Our team of experts is ready to handle all your landscaping needs, providing professional services tailored to your property's unique requirements. With River City Lawnscape by your side, you can rest assured that your landscape will be well-prepared for the winter season, helping your plants thrive even in the coldest months.

November Action Items:

  • Trust River City Lawnscape to apply a layer of mulch around your plants, protecting their roots from frost and ensuring their health throughout the winter

  • Rely on our team's expertise to wrap sensitive plants and trees with a netting or cloth to protect them from deer or critters over the winter

  • Collaborate with our skilled staff to prune any remaining dead or damaged branches from your trees and shrubs, promoting their health and well-being

  • Oak Tree Pruning


In the final month of the year, River City Lawnscape is here to help you protect your landscape from winter weather. Our team of experts is ready to handle all your landscaping needs, providing professional services tailored to your property's unique requirements. With River City Lawnscape’s support, you can confidently face the winter season, knowing that your landscape is well-protected and that we'll be there to support you in planning for a successful new year.

December Action Items:

  • Let River City Lawnscape install snow stakes or markers along your driveway and walkways (if applicable), guiding snow removal and ensuring your property remains accessible during snowy months

  • Rely on our team's expertise to monitor your trees and shrubs for signs of damage from heavy snow or ice, taking proactive measures such as gently shaking off excess accumulation to prevent harm

  • Use this month to collaborate with River City Lawnscape in reflecting on your landscaping successes and challenges, drawing on our experience to plan and prepare for the upcoming year

  • Develop a snow removal and ice management plan.


There you have it, a complete landscape calendar to guide you through the year. By following this monthly guide, you'll ensure that your residential or commercial property remains healthy and beautiful all year long. As always, River City Lawnscape is here to help you with all your landscaping needs, from design and installation to maintenance and support. Don't hesitate to reach out to us if you need assistance or expert advice on your landscape journey.


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